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Here, I share all the stuff. This is my brain dumped onto a website - notes, thoughts, cool links. I originally made it to keep track of my things, but you might find something neat in here too. Everything's sorted in that sidebar on the left, with folders inside folders. The whole thing's constantly changing as I add new stuff and learn more.


A quote

“I had lunch with a producer a few years ago. At some point, I said, 'Every film I do, I have to believe that I’m making the best film that’s ever been made.' He was absolutely shocked by this. It never occurred to him that someone would think like that. And that, to me, was truly shocking—because films are really hard to make. They're all-consuming. Your family life and everything else goes into it for two years. So it had never occurred to me that there were people doing it who weren’t trying to make the best film that ever was. Why would you otherwise? Even if it’s not going to be the best film that’s ever been made, you have to believe it could.” ~Christopher Nolan